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Honda Fit GD 2006, Honda Fit ABS, battery and on -board voltage

1.007 Honda Fit 2006 ABS

Many of you have come across this. I handed the car to the client and explained something so that the person would not get on the same malfunction again. Another car stopped in the courtyard, stopped half a meter. And through the lowered glass, the driver begins to speak. No, so there is no conversation. The car driver, despite the excited state, apparently understood his oversight, so he got out of the car and waited for us to finish our conversation.

The client’s story is not just an emotional narrative about his ordeals, this is information for the diagnostician. Of course, if you give an audio recording to an outsider, then he will only understand that a malfunction arose by car. The driver arrived in a car repair shop. They made a diagnosis there, determined the malfunction, said that they needed to change and even saved the client from the need to order details. In principle, a normal approach. But then it is not clear how the client was deprived of a certain amount of money, and the number of fault codes increased by one point, from the initial one? This was followed by the search for those who can solve the problem.

I ask the client: what words or actions have the idea that you are deceiving? This was the client’s answer: yes, he (the previous diagnostician) clung to the accumulator error code, and without him I know that the battery should already be changed. It is clear, but how is an ABS unit and a car battery connected?

I offer a compromise to the client: I am now inspecting the car, I wash the mistakes, you drive a certain distance, turn around and return back to the same place. Let’s make a small test. When you return, do not jam the car!

It’s clear. The owner gets into the car, starts it, but I point out that I need to lift the hood and check. I close and show that you can go. Upon returning, I connect again with a scanner, I look at the current parameters and errors. I understand that he is also looking, but from a more uncomfortable position, so I pause and give him the opportunity to consider.

The mistakes were the same as they were! The driver laughs. Exactly? Or maybe some appeared after the repair? Here are 15 and 16 codes indicate the right rear wheel and the corresponding sensor. There is a nuance – the conditions for the occurrence of codes are different, but indicate one place. And since you talked about the replacement of the hub bearing, I can assume that this was done on the rear right wheel hub.

Therefore, the next action was to raise the hood and offer to laugh together. But together it didn’t work out. The wire from the negative terminal of the battery was disconnected by me before the car went to the test. And consequently, the client’s confidence that the error is given by a dying battery was destroyed. And without any discussion. I want to note that the actions of the previous master are most likely correct.

Having taken such a “heated” client “unscrupulous sellers of codes”, you can ultimately make a situation in which the money received will not pay off the time and nerves. And the decision must be taken immediately at the entrance. Not everyone can refuse the client, especially if he works on the boss. Then, as an option – written above. Therefore, the proposal to remove the hub and see the bearing, it was perceived, if not with understanding, without discussion. The bearing stood the wrong side, and the sensor had nothing to read the information. Well, now, that it would not have the impression that instead of diagnostics, psychological techniques were worked out, I will say that the diagnostic process went on its own. And the reasons were clear, immediately after the car returned from the dough.

Here are screenshots

On the first – errors; on the second – a malfunction. But that’s not all. I saw the object being investigated in front of me, listened to the story and compared what I saw and heard with what I knew and with what really exists.
Data decryption source – MotorData. If you read from the scanner In one case, this is the ABS relay, and in the other, the “notorious battery” is obtained. But MotorData does not write “battery, accumulator”, but writes that “on-board voltage”. And those are two big differences.

Now the scheme

005 Honda Fit 2006 ABS
006 Honda Fit 2006 ABS

That’s what we are dealing with. And where is the relay here, to which they hardly “reached and cleaned.”

007 Honda Fit 2006 ABS
008 Honda Fit 2006 ABS

There are two relays here. And if the car is with such a system, then the relays will be under the hood in a separate box, along with a 30A fuse. Thus, in the MotorData program, a scheme was found that closely resembles exactly the modification of the model with which I work. It is convenient to have such a tool at hand in the work.

Now I am writing specifically for skeptics, who will definitely notice: – “and did you manage to do all this in those minutes while the person was driving? All compared, analyzed … “. No, of course not. The starting point of the movement for the search was determined after the person ended the conversation. Then a clarification was carried out: I had a Honda Fit born in 2006 in front of me, the errors were read, priority ones were highlighted, the current parameters were viewed. And the starting point from which the search began was clearly defined. And the current parameters at the time of reading the errors looked like this:

009 Honda Fit 2006 ABS

When the car returned, the voltage was 3V more. In order to discard doubts and not resort to measurements, I went quickly in the control unit menu, and his power was fine. Therefore, it became clear, most likely a normal power supply comes to the ABS unit. But he gives false information to the digital tire. Since the diagnostic system is working properly, the machine was repaired.

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